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GreenUp Ashland's “Adopt-A-Street” program is a volunteer-driven cleanup initiative to help address the community concerns of littering and cleaner sections and unincorporated streets on an ongoing bases with support from the Ashland Department of Public Works.

This program provides business and residents with an ongoing opportunity to maintain an area or street from May until November.


Adopting a location or street requires re-enrollment each May.   


Adopt-a Street activities can be used as community service hours for High School students as well. 

Community Service Hours Submission Form Download


Town of Ashland Responsibilities: 

- Ensure Waste Management pickup of filled adopt-a-street bags from residents' regular trash pick-up.

- Ensure DPW pickup of filled adopt-a-street bags from provided adopted locations.


GreenUp Ashland Responsiblities:

- Provides yellow adopt-a-street trash bags to participants from May to November. 
- Approve streets and/or locations adopted by participants.
- Track adoption locations and distribution bags monthly from May to November.


Adopt-A-Street Participant Responsibilities:

Sign up is easy and completely online. You will need to fill out the the required Volunteer/Participant Waiver and provide the street location(s) you would like to adopt.

- Returning adopters are required to re-enroll 

- Be sure to refer to the "adopted street/locations" table below for already adopted locations.

- If you are adopting a portion of a long road/street, then provide a start and end location.ex: Main Street from Homer to Warren.

- Pick up the adopt-a-street trash bags monthly (schedule below)
- Either place filled adopt-a-street yellow bags with your regularly scheduled trash pickup or leave at adopted location and email for DPW pickup.

- Adoption pickup is done the participants leisure and on average cleaning up of locations takes about an hour. How many times you want to cleanup your adopted area is up to you.

 - If large items are found during adoption cleanup, place filled adopt-a-street bag next to debris and DPW will remove large items/debris.



2024 Adopt-A-Street GreenUp Ashland Bag Schedule:

Bags will be provided the following days outside of the Ashland Farmers Market from 9-10am: 











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